Colombian goalkeeping star hands over 250 soccer balls promoting “Prevention”!
Bogota, November 2, 2018:
Colombian national soccer goalkeeping star, Oscar Córdoba, joins us in handing out 250 balls to children at the “Let’s Play for Peace” schools soccer tournament in Colombia, organised by Fundación Colombianitos and the Bogota Education Department.
The balls were sponsored by Bupa Latin America, part of Bupa Global, one of the world’s largest international health insurance companies. Local media coverage included seven radio interviews, five publications and one TV interview reaching an estimated 2.5 million people – promoting our mission of raising awareness of the dramatic increase in pediatric cancer, and the need to focus on prevention.
Thank you to all for such a joyous day!
Forever Strong, Forever Remembered
The Islander News, Feb 11, 2016:
Creating Meaning from the Unthinkable
Huffington Post, Feb 23, 2016:
OLIVER was only 12 years old, a standout in everything he did. His passion was soccer, so his performance as an elite-level goalie for his youth soccer team in Miami was no surprise. A good student in school, he also played the piano and baritone saxophone, was a compelling actor, was kind to his younger brother and his friends, and could make anyone laugh out loud. By Deborah J. Cornwall
Team Walk for Oliver
Miami, Nov 7, 2015:
Over 200 of Oliver’s friends and their families joined a Light the Night Walk for leukemia and lymphoma sufferers at Bayfront Park, making us the largest of 156 teams. We were the third highest friends and family fundraiser and also sold 200 OFS Foundation t-shirts. Thank you so much for remembering and honoring Oliver – and promoting awareness of our Mission to identify pediatric cancer causes.
Vilma Tarazona tells how she lost her son in 36 hours
Miami, Nov 22, 2015
Vilma Tarazona tells the story of Oliver’s loss in 36 hours as a result of leukemia, in a documentary by Aquí y Ahora, the weekly news magazine program of Univisión.